Sizing Up Winter
This Math Unit Study is based on the book Maths in Nature: Sizing Up Winter by Lizann Flatt. We will be studying geometry which includes position, size, angles, shape, dimensions and exploring those concepts with engaging hands-on activities! Here’s everything that’s included:
Position - points, line segments, Measuring length
Tools for Geometry - Ruler & Protractor
Types of Lines - horizontal, vertical, oblique lines
Lines - intersecting, perpendicular and parallel
Size Comparison
Black -capped Chickadee Anatomy
Snowflakes Sort by Size (Small, Medium & Large)
Angles - right, acute, obtuse
Classification of Triangles by length - equilateral, scalene, isosceles
Evergreen Triangles
Determining Height of Evergreen Trees using angles
Calculating the Missing Angle of a Triangle
Geometric Shapes - Regular & Irregular polygons
Congruent, Non-congruent & Similar
Artist Study: Charley Harper
Charley’s Geometric Shapes
S.T.E.M + Art Project
3 Part Cards
Word Tracing Pages
Polygons * Polyhedrons
Geometric Solids
Mass (kg & g conversion)
Aurora Art Project
This Math Unit Study is based on the book Maths in Nature: Sizing Up Winter by Lizann Flatt. We will be studying geometry which includes position, size, angles, shape, dimensions and exploring those concepts with engaging hands-on activities! Here’s everything that’s included:
Position - points, line segments, Measuring length
Tools for Geometry - Ruler & Protractor
Types of Lines - horizontal, vertical, oblique lines
Lines - intersecting, perpendicular and parallel
Size Comparison
Black -capped Chickadee Anatomy
Snowflakes Sort by Size (Small, Medium & Large)
Angles - right, acute, obtuse
Classification of Triangles by length - equilateral, scalene, isosceles
Evergreen Triangles
Determining Height of Evergreen Trees using angles
Calculating the Missing Angle of a Triangle
Geometric Shapes - Regular & Irregular polygons
Congruent, Non-congruent & Similar
Artist Study: Charley Harper
Charley’s Geometric Shapes
S.T.E.M + Art Project
3 Part Cards
Word Tracing Pages
Polygons * Polyhedrons
Geometric Solids
Mass (kg & g conversion)
Aurora Art Project
This Math Unit Study is based on the book Maths in Nature: Sizing Up Winter by Lizann Flatt. We will be studying geometry which includes position, size, angles, shape, dimensions and exploring those concepts with engaging hands-on activities! Here’s everything that’s included:
Position - points, line segments, Measuring length
Tools for Geometry - Ruler & Protractor
Types of Lines - horizontal, vertical, oblique lines
Lines - intersecting, perpendicular and parallel
Size Comparison
Black -capped Chickadee Anatomy
Snowflakes Sort by Size (Small, Medium & Large)
Angles - right, acute, obtuse
Classification of Triangles by length - equilateral, scalene, isosceles
Evergreen Triangles
Determining Height of Evergreen Trees using angles
Calculating the Missing Angle of a Triangle
Geometric Shapes - Regular & Irregular polygons
Congruent, Non-congruent & Similar
Artist Study: Charley Harper
Charley’s Geometric Shapes
S.T.E.M + Art Project
3 Part Cards
Word Tracing Pages
Polygons * Polyhedrons
Geometric Solids
Mass (kg & g conversion)
Aurora Art Project